The underlying of the degree programme in Accounting is to produce a steam of accounting graduates who are imbibe with the requisite attitudes, ethics and professional skills necessary for improving the frontiers of accounting practice locally and internationally.
At the completion of the B.Sc degree programme in Accounting, graduates gain the necessary exemptions from Professional Accounting Bodies in Nigeria and Overseas.
The major objectives of the Department of Accounting are to produce high-level Accounting Personnel and to expand the frontiers of Accounting knowledge through research and publications as well as improving the quality of professional accounting in Nigeria and beyond. Thus, the department’s programme is development with the following aims:
U.M.E. Entry
Candidates for admission into the four year degree programme in Accounting should possess a Senior Secondary School Certificate or G.C.E. or its equivalent with at least five credit passes which include English Language, Mathematics, Economics and other two subjects.
In addition, candidates must have acceptable passes in UME.
U.M.E. Subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Economics plus any other subject.
Direct Entry
(a) G.C.E. “A” Level passes in Accounting or Economics and at least one other subject. In addition, candidates are expected to possess five passes at S.C./G.C.E. or S.S.C.E. “0” Level and “A” Level must be attained at not more than two sittings
(b) Foundation/Intermediate Examination passes of recognized professionals Accountancy bodies such as ICAN, ICMA, etc provided the applicant has five credit passes at S.C./G.C.E. or S.S.C.E. “0” Level in subject which include English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two subjects (obtained at not more than two sittings).
(C) National Diploma in approved Polytechnics or College of Technology with a grade not lower than Upper Credit. In additional “0’ level in subjects which include English Language, Mathematics, Economics or Commerce and any other two subjects (obtained at not more than two sittings).
(d) The Diploma Certificate with merit pass or its equivalent from a recognized University or its equivalent Tertiary Institution. The. course must be Accounting, Business Administration, Business Management, Banking and Finance.
Department of Accounting Magazine
Department of Accounting Handbook