The Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma was established by Statute of then the Bendel State House of Assembly as contained in the extra-ordinary Gazette No. 40, Vol. 18 of 20th July 1981. The University formally opened its gates to the first set of students on the 15th January 1982. At its inception, the University operated a collegiate system and the College of Engineering and Technology (now Faculty) was one of the eight foundation Colleges. At the end of the 1983/84 academic session the entire University was subjected to major structural changes, which led to the closure of some Colleges and the introduction of the Faculty system of Education. Thus, the College of Enineering and Technology became the Faculty of Engineering and Technology from 1 October 1984. The Faculty offers undergraduate curricula leading to Bachelor’s degrees in Engineering. Separate departments within the Faculty administer these curricula and each department emphasizes a core programme of fundamental Applied Science and Engineering subjects.
Students are normally admitted to a five-year degree programme (Post Secondary Education). The first two years are essentially common to all the departments in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The foundation year is spent almost entirely in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, during which students take courses in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The second year is spent by the student in taking courses such as Thermodynamics, Mathematics, Engineering Drawing and Workshop Processes. The last three years of the programme are spent specialising in the Students’ chosen fields including a substantial industrial training period.
The academic matters of the Faculty are under the direction of the Faculty Board which reports through the Dean to the University Senate.
The Faculty as at now has five academic departments:
Civil Engineering: The Civil Engineering curriculum is a 5 year programme designed to provide the civil engineering graduates a firm foundation not only in the basic sciences and mathematics but also in the traditional and non-traditional sectors of civil engineering.
Electrical Electronic & Computer Engineering: The department of Electrical, Electronics, Computer Engineering is dedicated to providing Engineers who are adequately equipped in the theory and practice engineering profession. The department has, as its main objective the training of manpower essential for meeting the needs and demands of scientific and technological developments envisaged in Nigeria, particularly in the Electrical, Electronics and Computer Industries.
Industrial & Production Engineering: The Department offers undergraduate degree programmes in Industrial and Production Engineering. The main objective of the department is to provide opportunity for students to acquire the skills and competencies necessary to initiate, develop and solve engineering problems.
Mechanical Engineering: The objective of the department of Mechanical Engineering is to produce graduates who will be well qualified to:
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology offers a degree programme leading to the award of Bachelor of Engineering, denoted by B. Eng.
The philosophy of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Ambrose Alli University is the training and production of technically qualified and socially conscious engineers that would be able to apply technological advances in product development, marketing, maintenance and management.
The aim of the faculty is to respond to the worldwide demand for engineers that have a sound knowledge of engineering and management principles and the ability to apply this knowledge to the complex situations prevailing within the construction and manufacturing industries. With a view to accomplishing the philosophy of the Faculty, emphasis will be placed on the following objectives.