From the Desk of the University Librarian

The use of library is part of an educational process. Thus, the handling and sifting of needed ideas and information from available volumes of books, reference materials and allied depositories assist in developing an active and enquiring mind. Information is derived from library resources such as books, periodicals, pamphlets, reports, reprints, catalogues, specifications, non-print materials and the internet. Library users who wish to keep abreast with current information and ideas must acquire the techniques of keeping up-to-date information through abstract, indexes, catalogues, bibliographies and ICT tools available in the library. Users who do this will not only derive maximum benefit from the library, but will in later years look with joy and satisfaction at the success of the academic exercise.

The University master plan of AAU has the library as its hub of academic activities, hence the library is situated at the centre of the institution. The aim is to provide materials and services that will support the University’s academic programmes as well as excite the imagination and appetite of library users for more information for research and acquisition of new knowledge. Hence, users are encouraged to read widely for deeper understanding of concepts, themes and to broaden their horizons in various fields of interests.

In the library’s routine operations, the needs and requests of users take the pride of place, and library staff are always ready and eager to assist users to meet their information needs. Ambrose Alli University’s library has a holding of more than 223,870 volumes of books, 102,099 journals, magazines, Theses/dissertations, government and special collections. In addition to print resources (books), the library also has electronic collections in CDs, e-books and e-journals that cut across all fields. The core collections of the library cover various academic programmes of the institution. The library currently subscribes to print journals and 21 databases. In addition, it has 2,500 seating capacity. The university library also has an electronic library and e-learning classrooms, individual and group study rooms with access to internet. Over the years, the library proudly continues to provide efficient service points for accessing knowledge on campus.

Dr (Mrs.) J. I. Aba
University Librarian