How to Use the Library

All teaching, learning and research materials added to the library holdings are given class numbers according to subjects, in some cases there is a conflict of interest or crossing of traditional boundaries, which may make the choice of shelving arbitrary. For example, a book on statistics for medical students could be shelved either with medicine or with statistics. When deciding the location of a book, the library staff make every effort to balance the claims of consistency and usefulness. However, the library must be thought of as an organic whole, not as a series of separate subject collections and readers may find that their fields of interest are represented in more than one place on the shelves. The following examples may be useful:
Architecture is found at NA under Fine and Applied Arts while SB- Plant culture is a subclass of Agriculture which is S.

The initial breakdown into subjects is achieved by a system of letters as will be seen from the following synopsis of Library of Congress Classification Scheme:

AGeneral Works     HSocial Science
BPhilosophy HAStatistics
BCLogic HB-HEEconomics
BDMetaphysics HF-HJFinance
BFPsychology HM-HVSociology
BH-BJAesthetic: Ethics HX  Communism
BL-BXReligion J-JC  Political Science
CHistory: Auxiliary JF-JQConstitutional History
DGeneral History JSLocal Government
DAHistory; Gt. Britain JVColonies and Colonization
DB-DDAustria-Hungary; JXInternational Politics
DEClassical Antiquity KLaw
DF-DGGreece; Italy L-LBEducation
DH-DJNetherlands LCSpecial forms of Education
DK-DLRussia, Scandinavia LD-LJUniversities College
DP-DQSpain and Portugal Switzerland MMusic
DRTurkey General Works N-NAEnvironmental Design; Fine Arts
DSAsia, India, Ceylon NBSculpture and related arts
DTAfrica NC-NKPainting; Engraving
DUAustralia, New Zealand &  Oceania PLanguages and  Literatures
E-FAmerica History (Western Hemisphere) PAGreek and Latin
G-GFGeography PB-PHEast European Language & Literature
GN-GTAnthropology PJ-PKOriental Languages and Literature
GVSports & Amusements PLAfrican Languages and Literatures
PNLiterary Criticism TNMetallurgy
PN 4700-600Mass Communication PT-TSChemical Technology and Manufacture
PQRomance Literature TXFood Technology
PREnglish Literature UMilitary Science
PSAmerican Literature VNaval Science
PTGerman to Teutonic Science ZLibrary Literature
QHNatural History: Biology    
QM-QRAnatomy, Physiology Bacteriology    
TA-TGCivil Engineering    
THBuilding Engineering    
TJMechanical Engineering and Machinery    
TK Electrical Engineering    

If you know the author, editor or compiler of the book (the term ‘book1 here includes pamphlets and reports), look it up in the Author Catalogue. There, you will find the class number of the book: note it down carefully and go to the shelves on which books with these numbers are to be found. The class number/ call number of each book is printed on its spine. The same process should be repeated if you know the title of a book. In this case, the Title Catalogue should be consulted.
If you want to know what books the Library has on a particular subject, look under the name of the subject in the alphabetical Subject Catalogue. This will give you the class number/class mark for the subject. You can then go directly to the shelve to locate what books are available for loan at the moment. Closely related subjects are filed immediately before and after the number which you are looking for on the shelves. If there is no book on the precise subject you require, look up the subject of which it is a part. For example, you may find information on Finite Group Theory ina book on Mathematics.

Method 1:
Using the Catalogue cabinets
Library users sometimes jeer at Librarians’ assumption that efficient use of the Library is impossible without an understanding of the catalogue, it is true that some users go directly to their subject areas on the stacks without going through the catalogue. But there will be a missing link if no use is made of the catalogue which is the key to the Library’s rich stock of books, periodicals, pamphlets, reports, theses and non-book materials. The catalogue in the main Library may be referred to as union catalogue because it is a comprehensive record of all items owned by the University library no matter where they are located. The catalogue is in three parts: the Author catalogue, the Title catalogue and the Subject catalogue.

  • Author Catalogue
    This is a single alphabetical index of the authors, editors and compilers of books. An “author” may not be a person but also a corporate body such as an association, firm, government and government department, international organization, learned society or trade union, e.g. United catalogue
  • Title Catalogue
    If the author of a book is not known, the title catalogue provides other avenues of approach. It contains entries under the title of the book where this is distinctive or for anonymous works or series title. Conference proceedings are entered under the name of the conference and entries for periodicals are alphabetical by title.title catalogue
  • Subject Catalogue
    This catalogue contains subject entries filed alphabetically by subject. It gives the subject heading and the class number for each subject, and therefore, enables the reader to determine what the Library has in a particular subject and to find the correct location of the material on the shelves.subject catalogue

Method 2:
Using Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Computer terminals
At the entrance of the main Library, are 3 computer terminals called OPAC terminals from where one can check for information resources available in the library.
On the computer screen or desktop is an icon OPAC. Click on it to open the a dialogue box
online catalogue
In Box 1: Click on any of the boxes with information. It will lead to Box 2. In Box 2 type either the surname, title, subject or journal title and click search, if it is in the library, it will be displayed. Furthermore, to check details, click view details and all the characteristics of the materials will be catalogue2

Method 3:
Using the Institutional Repository
Contact the university library at
Ambrose Alli University Library
Ambrose Alli University,
P.M.B. 14, Ekpoma,
Edo State, Nigeria

Facebook Account: Ambrose Alli University Library

Method 4:
Using the Online Databases

All Library users must fill the Registration Form before borrowing books. Five borrower’s cards are given to staff and two to students. The registration lasts for the full period of a student’s course in the university. The number of books allowed to the various categories of readers is stated in the Regulations Governing use of the Library. The loan period for books on the open access is one month for senior staff members and two weeks for students.

The charging system in vogue in Ambrose Alli University library is the Ticket or Modified Browne System. After selecting the book one wish to borrow, it is taken to the circulation desk with one borrowing ticket to the library staff on duty. The date to return or renew the book is stamped on date-due slip and on the book card. When returning the book, ensure that it is given it to the library staff at the circulation desk to retrieve your borrower’s card. Library users are fined for retaining books after the end of the loan period stamped on the book which is referred to as date due stamped on the book.

Suggestions regarding the library, including additions of stock or library facilities are encouraged. Please drop in the suggestion near the Loans Desk. All suggestions will be considered and actions taken within the University’s limited financial resources (if the suggestions have financial implications). These will be reported in the suggestion book. Readers are advised to discuss their suggestions or problems with the University Librarian, while recommendation for purchase of books/journals should preferably be made either directly to the Collection Development Department or other heads of departments.