Theatre and Media Arts


The Department as all other Arts disciplines is fundamentally concerned with Man and his complex nature, in his multifaceted relationships with the world. In particular, it deals with man’s apprehension and interpretation of reality through religion and all its manifestations and philosophy.


The aim of the department is primarily academic. Therefore, it pursues academic studies for its own sake; its primary purpose is discipline to the end that truth may be discovered, established and preserved.

  1. To offer courses in the field of History and phenomenology of religions, theology and philosophy, aiming at the understanding and interpretation of African Religion (AFREL) Christianity, Islam and Asian Religions separately and as far as there has been cross-fertilization between them particularly the firstthree.
  2. To enable students understand the phenomenon and social implications of religion in general and religion in Africa particular.
  3. To produce competent teachers of Religion and Social Workers in government establishments and parastatals.
  4. To adequately prepare students for the post-graduate research studies in Religion.


Four Year Degree Programme

a)   Candidates shall qualify for admission to the Department if they pass the University Matriculation Examination (UME) for that year, and satisfy the other requirements prescribed in the J.A.M.B. Brochure namely: Possess one or more of the following qualifications:

  1. Five Credits at Senior Secondary School Level
  2. The School Certificate or General Certificate of Education Ordinary level with passes at credit level in at least five subjects inclu,ding English Language obtained at not more than two sittings.
  3. Teachers’ Grade II Certificate with credit/merit in at least five subjects at not more than two sittings.

NB: The subjects passed at credit/merit level in (i) to (iii) above must include English Language and Bible Knowledge or’ Islamic Religious Knowledge. The general paper in G.C.E. A/L or its equivalent is NOT accepted in lieu of 0′ Level credit in English Language.

Three Year Degree Proqramme

b)   Five credits in General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (at not more than two sittings) at least two of which must be at the G.C.E. Advanced level including Christian Religious Knowledge.

c)   Three passes at the Principal or Advanced Level with SC/GCE . 0′ Level credit passes in two other subjects at not more than two sittings.

d)   Passes in two teaching subjects at the N.C.E. Level plus Three other subjects in G.C.E. ‘O’ Level or equivalent including English Language, General Paper (one of the two N.C.E. subjects must be Religious Studies, Christian or Islamic).

e)   Two passes at the IJMB Examinations or Cambridge Moderated Schools of Basic Studies Terminal Examination or International Baccalaureate from a recognised institution with School Certificate credit or equivalent in three other subjects.

f)   Three papers in (d) above with ‘O’ Level credit passes in two other subjects at not more than two sittings. Five credit passes in School Certificate or G.C.E. at not more than two sittings and either;

  1. Diploma in Religious Studies, University of Ibadan, or
  2. Diploma in Theology, Un!versity of london.

NB: In all cases, one of the All subjects or its equivalent must be Religious Studies, Christian or Islamic, and one of the ‘0’ level credit passes must be English Language


Aluede Charles Onomudo

Oamen Osedebamen David

Osakue Stevenson Omoera

Nwanaju, Uzoma Thaddeus