College of Medicine
The philosophy of the College is to train medical personnel for the sustenance and development of health care delivery for Nigeria in particular and humanity in general. For the MBBS Programme, the Philosophy is to train Medical Doctors for the sustenance and development of health care delivery in Nigeria in particular and humanity in general. While that of the Medical Laboratory Sciences and Physiology are to produce Medical Laboratory Scientists and Physiologists respectively, capable of working in health sector including Primary Health Care anywhere in Nigeria and beyond.
- The organization and conduct of courses leading to the award of degrees, diplomas, certificates and allied university qualifications and distinctions in Medical and related fields of study, taking into account the requirements of the state and the country;
- The conduct of research in the field of Medical and related sciences, taking account of the state and national requirements with respect to studies in the Health Sciences
- The organization and conduct of conferences, seminars, studies and related activities in Medical and related sciences.
Specifically in relation to the MBBS programme, the objectives of the programme:
- To provide a sound and professional basis for the training of Doctors capable of working anywhere in Nigeria with other health workers;
- To produce Doctors who satisfy internationally recognized standards, and who can undertake further training towards specialization anywhere in the world; and
- To produce Doctors with sufficient managerial ability to play a leadership role in health care delivery.
For the Medical Laboratory Science and Physiology programmes, the specific objectives are:
- To produce Medical Laboratory Scientist and Physiologists, to perform effectively in Hospital, Diagnostic, Preventive and Public Health Services and Research and quality assurance industries
- To produce biological and diagnostic reagents as well as fabricate and maintain equipments.
- Basic Medical Sciences
- Clinical Sciences
The degrees awardable currently in the College are MBBS, B.Sc., Medical Physiology and Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (BMLS). The MBBS degree is without honour classification but the B.Sc. Physiology and Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences are with classification based on CGPA. A student may however pass with distinction in individual subject in the MBBS degree. Post graduate programmes are also available in Medical Physiology and Medical Laboratory Sciences.
- MBBS Programme
A student is admitted into the MBBS degree programme of the College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University through either of the following routes:- Six Year Programme Through University Matriculation Examination (U.M.E.)
Candidates with a credit pass in at least five subjects at the GCE/SSCE/NECO or equivalent level at not more than two sittings. The subjects must include Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and English Language. Only candidates with high scores in JAMB not below 50% are selectable. - Five Year Programme Through Direct Entry (D.E.)
Candidates must satisfy the U.M.E. requirements in addition to:- Passes at the Advanced Level GCE or equivalent at not more than two sittings in Biology (or Zoology), Physics and Chemistry, or
- B.Sc. (Hons.) degree at the second class or higher level in the subjects of Biology, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Medical Laboratory and related Sciences.
- Intra – and Inter-Unitersity transfer candidates who have the U.M.E. admission requirements as stated above. The level to which transfer is made depends on the qualification and must not have had a carry over.
- Other Programmes (B.M.L.S. AND B.SC. Physiology)
- 5 year programme (BMLS) and 4 year programme (B.Sc. Physiology)
- As in A (i) above for the 6 year programme for the MBBS.
- 4 year programme for BMLS and 3 year programme for B.Sc. Physiology (Direct Entry). As in A (ii) above for the 5 year programme for the MBBS. However, a degree in any Biological Sciences or related discipline or any other qualifications which is considered to be equivalent to the above qualification may be accepted.
- Transfer
- As in A (iii) above for the MBBS Inter/Intra University transfers, except that such candidates could have had a carry over but the CGPA must not be less than 1.
- All transfers are subject to availability of vacancy.
- Screening tests may be administered to candidates to determine whether or not they possess the capabilities for the qualification/JAMB score claimed.