1 | Dr. (Mrs.) Jane I. Aba NCE, BLS, MLS, Cert. in Comp. Sci., MBA, PhD | – | University Librarian |
2 | Mrs. Juliana Bosede Amune DLS, BLS, MLS, PhD in view. | – | Senior Librarian/ Ag. HOD Law |
3 | Mrs. Margaret Momodu B.Sc., MLS. | – | Senior Librarian/ Ag. HOD Emando /Agriculture Library. |
4 | Mr. Thomas Aitufe BLS, MLS | – | Librarian 1/ Ag. HOD Technical Services Department |
5 | Mr. Fredrick Edewede Odion DLS, BLS, MLS, PhD in view | – | Librarian I/ Ag. HOD, Collections Development Department |
6 | Mrs. Esther Olohije Aidenojie B.Sc., Dip. (Data Processing), MLS, PGDE, PhD in view | – | Librarian I/ Ag. HOD, Research Collections &Systems Development |
7 | Mrs. Charity Onoimiuko Adetona DLS, BLS, MLS | – | Librarian I/ Ag. HOD, Medical Library. |
8 | Ms. Grace Eseohe Ebunuwele DLS, BLS, MLS | – | Librarian I |
9 | Dr. Tony Ikponmwosa Obaseki DLS, BLS, Cert. (General Computing), MLS, PhD | – | Librarian I/ Ag. HOD, E-Library Department. |
10 | Mrs Obinyan, Oluwatosin DLS, BLS, MLS | – | Assist. Librarian / Ag. HOD, Readers Services Department |
11 | Mrs Agbale, Omohoste, Patience BL.LLB | – | Assist. Librarian |
12 | Mrs. Osawele, Racheal DLS, BLS, MLS in View | – | Assist. Librarian in Training |
13 | Mr. Dan Osa Eboigbe DLS, BLS | – | Assist. Chief Library Officer |
14 | Mr. Ikharo, Yusuf Abdulahi DLS, BLS | – | Assist. Chief Library Officer |
15 | Mrs Constance Afadama DLS, BLS, MLS | – | Principal Library Officer II |
16 | Mrs Comfort Olopele DLS, BLS, MLS | – | Principal Library Officer II |
17 | Mr Anslem Oyakhire DLS, BLS, MLS in View. | – | Principal Library Officer II |
18 | Mrs. Ailenmen, Morenike Mary DLS, | – | Principal Library Officer II |
19 | Mrs. Osemekhian Philomena | – | Chief Library Officer |
20 | Mr. Ebhozele, Joseph | – | Chief Library Officer |
21 | Mrs. Paulina Asuelimen DLS, B.SC | – | Assistant Chief Library Officer |
22 | Mr. Andrew Ikhioya DLS, BPA. | – | Assistant Chief Library Officer |
23 | Mr. Agbi Stephen Ogundare DLS, BLIS. | – | Higher Library Officer |
24 | Ms. Julliet Momoh DLS, BLS, MLS in View | – | Senior Library Officer |
25 | Mrs Winifred Oseghale NCE, BLIS | – | Higher Library officer |
26 | Mrs. Eigbe, Justina Omisi | – | Higher Library Officer |
27 | Mrs Omono Akpukpu DLS, BLS. | – | Higher Library officer |
Organogram of AAU Library
The University Librarian is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day-to-day running of the library. For ease of management and span of control, the internal administrative structure of the library is organized into the following five major departments and Outreach libraries:
Collection Development DepartmentCollection development is the hallmark of the University library activities. The quality of the library collections determines the quality of services the library renders its users. In a nutshell Collection Development refers to the systematic process of building library collection that would meet the information needs of the users and support the vision and mission of the University.
Technical Services DepartmentTechnical Services Division (TSD) of the library is the heart of the library. This is where books are described and put in their various classes for easy retrieval. TSD has the following units;
1. Cataloguing Unit
2. Classification Unit
3. Book Finishing Unit and
4. The Bindery Unit. This bindery unit is where worn out/mutilated books are repaired and also the unit is engaged in the binding of projects, thesis, dissertations etc on official and commercial bases.
Research, Collection And Systems Development Department
The department is situated at the second floor in the University Main Library. It comprises of the Open Access and Closed Access Unit. This department is a repository of physical research materials. These resources include Projects/Thesis/Dissertations, Monographs, Newspapers, Magazines, Special Collections, United Nations (UN) Publications and Journals.
Readers’ Service Department (RSD)The readers Service Department’s is the front desk of the library. The department is referred to as the mirror of the Library. RSD is positioned to always be in contact with all visitors to the library. The primary and major pre-occupation of the department is users comfort and satisfaction at all times, the reason RSD in recent times all over the world is classed as the image making unit of libraries… AAU Library has in recent times in the year 2017 in retrospect lived up to this new nomenclature. The Readers’ Service Department is made up of
I. The Circulation Unit and
II. The Reference /Newspapers Unit.
Electronic Library Department (E-Library)This department prior to this year 2017 in retrospect has been transiting from one status to another that is at inception in early 2000 as OSIWA center up till 2010 when the center transformed into an electronic library, the department was a unit attached to the University Librarians office ad an administrative arm. In July 2016 the Electronic library unit was merged with Research Collection and Systems Development Department (RCSDD) and was now known as the Research Collection and Systems Development and Electronic Library Department (RCSD&E-Library Department). Interestingly nascent development in the Information world/industry of which the library is part, increase in patronage of the library by members of the university community in addition to the desire of the library management to diversify access point to information sources as is been practiced in libraries and information centers of the world the library management with the support of the university management in March 2018 in the year under review established the Electronic Library Department.
These libraries are located in different faculties and annexes as follows: