Campus Crusade: Vision 2020

Grace, peace and joy be multiplied unto you in Jesus name. It is obvious that the general socio-economic and political situation in our nation, particularly as it affects the academic world, are a reflection of the global disorder of our time. Many are looking for a solution to the seemingly intractable problems which plague their lives and our higher institutions of learning.

God has assisted us in organizing a special gathering that will address problems and needs in the lives of students, Corp members, staff and other dwellers within and around the academic community. It is therefore my pleasure to invite you to attend the forthcoming CAMPUS CRUSADE-VISION 2020 scheduled for Saturday, 8th and Sunday, 9th February, 2020. The programme will feature among other things scripture teaching and enlightenment, liberation of captives, power for positive change, proven principles for academic and professional excellence and lots more.

Over the years, participants have testified of the immense benefits derived from our previous programmes with professional breakthrough and promotions, spiritual upliftment, victory over protracted setbacks supernatural healing, etc.

Guest Speaker
Prof. Ignatius A. Onimawo          Pastor Vincent Ani           Pastor G.A. Osabuohien
Vice-Chancellor,                             Regional Overseer            State Overseer
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.

The crusade will hold as follows:
Date:      Saturday, 8th February, 2020
Time:      5:00pm
Venue:   The Open Field, Anthony Onyeregbulem Male Hostel Play Ground

Date:     Sunday, 9th February, 2020
Venue:  The DLCF Min Campus Cathedral, Behind MBA Hall, after Banking and Finance Department.

I am expecting you.

Yours in Christ

Professor C.E. Abhulimen
Regional DLCF Coordinator

Above is for the information of the University community and the general public.

Deputy Registrar, Information/Public Relations Officer