Department of Architecture


Basically, the philosophy can be summarized thus:
Towards enhancing the built tropical environment. The philosophy underlying, the study of architecture in Ekpoma is fashioned towards providing the professional but indigenous competence that the nation requires as well as developing the individual’s ability for social and cognitive analysis which are indispensable for human habitation. The spaces in which we live, more work and play are largely the product of our own devising. This process of devising and shaping our physical and tropical environment is the very essence of the art and science of Architecture in Ekpoma.

The objective of the academic programme is to make the student aware of their responsibilities with regard to the above philosophy, thus giving them a broad based educational background and techniques built responsibilities both to the nation and all man kind.

The course of study places emphasis on architecture (historical influences, building systems technology, environmental control professional studies, architecture design workshop and related studies from other faculties) and equip the students with information regarding them as contributor to the final goal of shaping human environmental need. All these are achieved courses within a six year architectural education.


The Department offers courses leading to:
(a)    Bachelor of Science Degree in Architecture.
(b)    Master of Science Degree in Architecture.

The Bachelor of Science Degree programme is a course of three or four year duration depending on entry qualification leading to the award of B.Sc. Architecture degree. A successful candidate must be able to carry out designs and construction of simple buildings and supervise in the design of more complex building settlements.

The Master of Science programme is a course of two years duration leading to the award of M.Sc. Architectural degree. The course is so structured that the successful candidate shall be able to design building complexes or settlements of all kinds and also be able to teach or research on aspects or special problems of architecture.

  1. Admission is by concessional examination organized by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). To be eligible for admission, candidate must possess at least five (5) credits in the West African School Certificate or its equivalent which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two (2) from Fine Arts/ Technical Drawings, Geography, Chemistry or Economics, Woodwork, Biology, and Agric. Science obtained at not more than two sittings.     
  2. JME papers must include: English, Mathematics, Physics, and any of the other subjects above.
  3. Direction Entry Candidates are admitted to the 200 level of the programme and they must possess one of the following qualifications: OND Upper Credit in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Urban & Regional Planning, Estate Management, Building in addition to basic departmental entry. Higher School Certificate or G.C.E A/level in three subjects which must include Physics, Mathematics and any other subjects as in (1).   .HND lower Credit candidates in the same relevant above.
  4. HND Upper Credit can be admitted into 300 level.
  5. Candidates wishing to transfer from other Universities may be considered for admission at the 100 or departmental minimum admission requirements.


  1. Those that hold degrees in the 1st and 2nd class honour category of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
  2. Those that hold an equivalent degree from any other University provided that in any case where there is doubt about equivalence, the Head of Department (Architecture) shall seek the guidance of the Faculty Board.
  3. Those who hold a 3rd class or pass degree shall be considered for admission after: (a) Up-dating their portfolio within a minimum of one year, (b) Successful going through an interview conducted by the Department.
  4. Those who hold any qualification in Architecture which together with the relevant experience is deemed by the Faculty Board and Senate to be the  equivalence of (i) (ii) (iii) above.

Candidates for the degree offered by the department will be required to fulfill the general Degree requirements of the University and to pursue the courses prescribed and satisfy the Examiners in the subjects showed in the curriculum. A Master’s thesis or a terminal essay must constitute a topic relevant to Architecture and within the available resources (staff, facilities etc) of the Department. A topic for the thesis or project must receive the approval of the Head of Department before a candidate starts work.