Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering


The department of Electrical, Electronics, Computer Engineering is dedicated to providing Engineers who are adequately equipped in the theory and practice of engineering profession. The department has, as its main objective the training of manpower essential for meeting the needs and demands of scientific and technological developments envisaged in Nigeria, particularly in the Electrical, Electronics and Computer Industries. Students are normally admitted to a 5-years degree programme. The first two years are essentially common with other department in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.

Beginning from 2003/2004 session, this department will offer two degree options namely: Electrical Engineering with specialization in Electrical power systems and Electronics and Computer Engineering with emphasis on Electronics, Computer systems and communications.

There are plans to demerge these two major options into two separate departments in the near future. Industrial experience, which is an essential requirement before graduation, is obtained during the second, third and fourth years of the degree programme. Employment prospect for the graduate in Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering are very good indeed. The department has an excellent record and reputation as far as graduate employment is concerned, and former students are working in both private and government owned industries. With so many possible fields of employment available it becomes evident that a degree in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering really does provide the opportunity for a lifetime.


The programme of the department is designed to produce high power practical oriented engineers in the field of Electronics and Computer Engineering. It is also based on the fact that the growth of a nation is determined to a great extent by the size, quality, motivation and orientation of its science and engineering workforce. The programme, therefore, seeks to contribute to national economic development by training Electronic and Computer Engineering graduates with:

  1. A good grounding in the basic and engineering sciences
  2. A good grasp of the essential application and utility courses.
  3. A thorough understanding of the experimental and practical basics for the relevant theoretical engineering principles
  4. Substantial practical skills for the tackling of real-life engineering problems
  5. Rudimentary knowledge of economics and management principles upon which enterprising professional careers can be built

To attain this goal, the department will embark on accelerated and efficient harnessing of both local and foreign resources (human, materials, information) in order to enhance capacity for local development in the electronics and computer industry.


The educational goal of the B.Eng. degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering is to give the student the sound knowledge and skills in the areas of Electronics, Communication and Computer Engineering. The expected result is that graduates of the programme can embark on careers in the electronics, computer and communication industries. Graduates of the programme can expect to find jobs in the following areas; hardware and software design and development, consultancy, installation and maintenance, product support, and marketing. They should also, within a few years of graduation, be able to opt for self-employment.

Head of Department: 

OKUNDAMIYA, Dr. Michael Stephen, B.Eng. (Ekpoma), M.Eng. (Benin), Ph.D. (Benin)

Professors and Associate Professors in the Department:

  • OBIAZI, Prof Adagbonyin Moses, B.Eng. (Benin), M.Sc. (Lagos), Ph.D. (Ekpoma)
  • IGHALO, Prof Godwin Iyere, M.Sc. (Timisoara), Ph.D. (Ekpoma)
  • OKONIGENE, Prof Robert Ehimen, B. Eng. (Bauchi), M. Eng. (Bauchi), Ph.D. (Ekpoma)
  • ANYASI, Prof Ifeanyi Francis, B. Eng. (Ekpoma), M. Eng. (Ekpoma), Ph.D. (Ekpoma)
  • AKPAIDA, Engr. Vincent Ope-Oluwa Afenye, B.Eng. (Benin), M. Eng. (Benin) (Assoc. Prof)
  • OJIEABU, Dr. Eghosa Clement, B. Eng. (Ekpoma), M. Eng. (Ekpoma), Ph.D. (Ekpoma) (Assoc. Prof)
  • OMOROGIUWA, Dr. Owen, B. Eng. (Ekpoma), M. Eng. (Ekpoma), Ph.D. (Benin) (Assoc. Prof)

Other Staff in the Department:

  • Senior Lecturer – 3
  • Lecturer I & II – 4
  • Asst. Lecturer/Graduate Lecturer – 1