Department of Industrial & Production Engineering

The Department offers undergraduate degree programmes in Industrial and Production Engineering. Philosophy We live in an age in which technology has transformed the world into an inter-connected global village. For us in Nigeria, we are beginning to experience a process of regeneration after a period of political and economic wilderness. For the effective utilization of any type of resources (human and materials) good, strong, intelligent and adaptive engineers are required. This cadre of engineers cannot be produced without considering the dynamic interaction between materials and production. Hence the general philosophy of the Department is to produce ‘hybrid engineers’ with sound knowledge of engineering principles, engineering materials, and the abilities to apply them to practical engineering problems.


The Department was initially known as the Department of Materials and Production Engineering, which also started as a Department of Technology in 2000. But following the approval of the senate of the University, at its 181st Regular Meeting held in September 27, 2000, the Department changed its name from the Department of Technology to the Department of Materials and Production Engineering after the University Senate has considered and approved the suggestion of the NUC Accreditation Team that visited the Faculty of Engineering and Technology on August 5, 2003. Following this approval, the Department changed its initial Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) Degree Programme in Materials Technology and Management to Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) Degree Programme in Materials and Production Engineering. The initial in-take of students for the 2001/2002 academic year was 60.

In March 2011, the NUC team that came for the re-accreditation of the Department of Materials and Production Engineering, gave interim accreditation to the department. This was the second interim accreditation status given to the department in two years, it therefore amounted to failed accreditation. However, in 2013, a team from the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), visited the department and advised that the Department should be split into two i.e 1. The Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, 2. The Department of Materials and Metallurgy Engineering. A proposal for the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering was therefore sent to the curriculum committee of the University which was considered and approved. The curriculum committee presented the proposal to the senate of the University and it was approved. The Department of Industrial and Production Engineering resource verification by the Nigerian University Commission (NUC) was carried out in 2016. The first set of students were admitted in 2015/2016 session with the following as head of the department so far:

  1. Engr. Ignatius Ikponmwosa Omorodion PhD. – 2015/2016 session
  2. Engr. Mrs Ivie Okoro – 2016/2017 session
  3. Engr. Lawrence Imeakhai – 2017 till date


The main objectives of the Department are:

  1. To provide opportunity for students to acquire the skills and competencies necessary to initiate, develop and solve engineering problems.
  2. To produce engineers who are capable of using their engineering knowledge and sound skills to direct the production process to achieve most efficient coordination of efforts with due consideration of quality, quantity and cost.