

The philosophy underlying the work of the Department of Economics is to produce a flow of graduate students imbued with an enthusiasm to make their contribution to the Nigerian, African and World Community by equipping themselves with a broad foundation knowledge in the field of Economics, Banking and Finance and Business Administration together with a more specialized knowledge of the various areas of specialization.


The B.Sc. (Economics) Degree Programme aims at producing graduates who are above to assist in the solution of Economic problem that affect the society at large, especially the objective of” the Department of Economic would be to:

  1. Develop and improve student’s understanding of the economic problems at various stages of developments and the Nigerian society in particular.
  2. Develop the student’s critical judgment, his ability to observe, understand, analyze and synthesize data on socio-economic problems using economic methods and techniques which will enable him to make his contribution objectively, and contribute to national objectives.
  3. Provide appropriate environment that enables the students to raise their level of creativity and promote the spirit of self-reliance; and
  4. Create an atmosphere for desirable behavioural changes which would help him to develop values that are in consonance with the national objective such as hand work, probity, commitment patriotism and discipline.    
  5. With the above background, the Undergraduate Degree proramme is thus conceived as a foundation for entry into professions and careers as Economists planners, Accountant Banking and Financial Experts.
  6. The programme focuses on clearly defined areas specialization such as Financial System; Monetary Economic Analysis and Policy; International Trade and Finance; project Analysis and Planning; Labour and Industrial Economics, and Accounting.


Direct Entry Requirements
(a)  Candidates for Direct Entry must at least possess a G.C.E. A/L in Economics and one other subject in addition to the UME requirements of five (5) credits.


(b)  At least a merit pass in Diploma in Banking and Finance, Accounting Statistics and Business Management obtained from this University or any other recognized University or Tertiary’ Institution.

U.M.E. Entry Requirements
c)  Candidates for admission into the four year degree programme in Economics should possess. a Senior Secondary School Certificate or General Certificate of Education or their equivalents, with at least five credit passes which include English Language, Economics, and Mathematics (obtained at not more than two sittings).

In addition, candidates must have acceptable passes in the following U.M.E Subjects; English Language, Economics; Mathematics, plus any other subject.