The University Management has directed that all students be reminded of the extant regulation on ban on wild jubilations after final examinations. For the avoidance of doubt, wild jubilations after examinations have long been banned within the campus. Any Department or Faculty that violates this regulation would have their examinations cancelled and would have to retake the examinations after one session.
Students are strongly advised to obey the rules and regulations of the University in order to avoid sanctions.
Furthermore, all Federal Road Safety Rules must be obeyed within the campus, notably the rules regarding the use of tinted glasses and speed limits within the campus. Use of cars with tinted glasses are not allowed and the speed limit within the campus is 25km per hour.
It must be emphasised that all students should maintain maximum decorum in their activities within the campus.
Above is for the information of the University community and the general public.
Edward U. Aihevba, FCAI
Deputy Registrar, Information/Public Relations Officer.