National Association Of Women Academics (NAWACS) Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma Chapter

The National Association of Women Academics (NAWACS) is a learned; non-political and non-religious association of female academics in Nigerian Universities. Membership is open to women academics with a minimum of second degree or Assistant Lecturers involved in teaching and research. The Headquarter of the Association is in Nigeria residing at the resident university of the incumbent President at any particular time.

The aims of NAWACS as stated in ARTICLE VI of the Constitution of the Association are:

  1. to produce scientific publications, organise conferences, seminars and workshops, clinics and lecture series for the development of academic excellence in women;
  2. to encourage basic, applied and policy oriented researches;
  3. to promote a flourishing environment for academic research publication among women academics;
  4. to promote an awareness of female educational development;
  5. to serve as a research base for women issues;
  6. to encourage an international network among women in academics; and
  7. to facilitate the empowerment of women.

In achieving the objectives of the Association, as stated in ARTICLE IX of the Constitution, the functions of NAWACS shall be to:

  1. Organise regular Seminars/Workshops and Conferences on Academic and Women issues;
  2. Publish Journals and other materials which the Association may deem fit;
  3. Establish Research and Development Centre with a Director, Secretary and Heads of other units;
  4. Link-up with International Organisations for assistance, acquisition and dissemination of academic information; and
  5. Hold annual social events where distinguished women academics would be honoured.

The Ambrose Alli University Chapter of NAWACS was inaugurated in November 19, 2001 with membership of 30 women academics. Currently, the Association has membership strength of 95, as at December, 2015.
The recognition of the Association in A.A.U, Ekpoma was made by Sir. Prof. D. E. Agbonlahor (KSC), the then Vice-Chancellor in 2002, and consequently approved the registration of NAWACS as a legal body in Ambrose Alli University in October 30, 2002.

The Association in 2010, produced the first female and currently serving Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Mrs.) Cordelia Agbebaku.

  1. On inception of NAWACS, there was no female Professor in the University and only a few of the women academics had their Ph.D degree but at the end of 2015, there were 11 female professors and over 60 members who had obtained their Ph.D degree.
  2. NAWACS, A.A.U. Ekpoma Chapter has produced 7 Volumes of their Journal; Focus on Contemporary Issues, a multi-disciplinary Journal, produced annually.
  3. In 2014, the multi-disciplinary Journal, Focus on Contemporary Issues was split into two Journals.
  4. AZILO, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; and
  5. AZIZA, Journal of Science and Technology.
  6. The maiden edition of AZILO was produced in 2015, while the maiden edition of AZIZA is in the Press.
  7. The Chapter successfully organised a National Conference from 4-6 of October, 2011 and published some of the papers presented at the conference, after review, in a special conference edition of Focus On Contemporary Issues.
  8. As a way of encouraging members, NAWACS AAU Ekpoma, organises an annual award ceremony to honour members who have made a mark in their career. For instance those who obtained their Ph.D degree and those elevated to the status of Professor.
  9. In September 18, 2007, the Chapter conferred an Award of Excellence on the then Vice-Chancellor Professor D. O. Aigbomian (KSM, JP) for operating a Gender-Friendly Administration.
  10. The Chapter organises Seminars for the female students of the University and sessional orientation seminars for the first year female students. Health talks are also organised and free Health care and medical examinations are conducted periodically. These are conducted in collaboration with members of Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria (MWAN), of Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Edo State Chapter. The orientation seminar for the first year of the 2015/2016 academic session was held on February 24, 2016.
  11. NAWACS AAU Ekpoma, is planning an International Conference which would take place in the first week of November 2016. The modalities for the conference are being worked out by the Organising Committee chaired by Professor (Mrs.) Afe Ekundayo.

In an election held on February 23, 2016, the current officers of NAWACS, AAU Ekpoma Chapter are:

      President:  Prof. Eunice Omonzejie 
      Vice President:       
      Secretary:  Dr. Helen Obiazi
      Assistant Secretary:  Mrs. Esther Aidenojie
      Financial Secretary: Mrs Emily Edobor
      Treasurer: Dr. Peace Alufokhai
      Welfare Secretary: Dr. Eki Nasiru
      Asst. Welfare Secretary:      
      Public Relations Officer: Dr. Docas Krubu
      Asst. Public Relations Officer: Ms. Grace Ebunuwele
      Legal Adviser: Barr. Olufunmilayo Olumese
      Editor-in-Chief (AZILO): Prof. Eunice Omoregie
      Editor (AZILO): Dr. Bibian Anyanwu
      Editor-in-Chief (AZIZA):  Prof. Afe Ekundayo
      Editor (AZIZA): Dr. Odia
      Director of Research:Dr. Elizabeth I. Iidon