The main objectives of School of Postgraduate Studies in this University shall be the further development in Graduate Students the spirited of enquiry through training in research in an atmosphere of intellectual independence and individual creativity with a strong sense of group co-operation. In pursuit of these objectives, teacher and students constitute a single team in a well defined and purposeful endeavour.
Impuissance of these objectives is the fostering, through instruction, of deeper understanding of elementary concepts and an increasing ability to apply fundamental ideas to new problems. The students in the School of Postgraduate Studies must, therefore, be made to realize quite early that his intellectual growth and subsequent success are directly related to the depth of his command of basic principle. Hence, although graduate studies are usually associated with high degree of specialization, such specialization is or must be secondary to extending mental horizons, producing new orientations, and developing a depth of understanding. With the context of the above general objectives, graduate studies in the University shall pursue two particular in orientation. Thus, it must seek to:
The School of Post Graduate Studies has a number of departments that offer various post graduate diploma, masters degree and doctorate programmes. Below is a list of the departments, click on any department to view the courses it offers.
A) Master’s Degree Programme
Candidates who possess any of the following qualification may be considered for admission.
Candidate in (ii) & (iii) above, shall be required to take Remedial courses at the Undergraduate level which must be passed before proceeding to the Master’s degree programme.
B) Ph.D. Programme
A graduate of Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma or of any other University of recognized standing who possesses a degree of Masters appropriate to the intended course may be considered for admission.
C) Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
A graduate of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma or any other University of recognized standing who possesses a first degree classification acceptable to Senate.
D) Post-Graduate Diploma in Engineering (PGDENG)
Holders of good HND/HNC in Engineering with at least 4 tears post qualification cognate experience or Graduates in fields relevant to Engineering of any recognized University may be considered for admission.
E) Post-Graduate Diploma in Public ADMINISTRATION (PGDPA)
A Graduate of any recognized University in any discipline OR Holders of HND in any discipline with at least three (3) years cognate experience may be considered.
F) Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBM)
Candidates who possess any of the following qualifications may be considered for admission into the programme
A third class honours degree in Business Management
Holders of HND in any discipline from a recognized institution.
Full-Time Admission:
Full-Time admission can be offered only to candidates who satisfy the School of Postgraduate Studies that they are not in employment, or do not undertake full-time programme elsewhere. Candidates found to have made false declaration in this regard shall be asked to withdraw from the University.
Part-Time Admission:
Candidates, if they are working elsewhere and can satisfy th e School of Postgraduate Studies that facilities for their work as par-time students are adequate. Candidates applying for part-time registration may be asked to show evidence of release by their employers.
Admission to Remedial Courses:
Candidates who satisfy the minimum entry requirement but found deficient in the specific areas of study may be required to undergo remedial courses to prepare them for the main programme.
Staff Candidate:
A full-time member of staff of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma may be admitted to a higher degree in accordance with the regulations subject to the following conditions:
Where a Candidate was admitted to the Graduate programme before becoming a member of staff of the University, he would be required to pay full fees prior to his assumption of duty. There after he would be required to 50% of the approved fees.
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
(a) Full-time Diploma – 2 Semesters
(b) Part-time Diploma – 4 Semesters
(c) Sandwich – 2 Long vacations of 8 weeks each.
In the case of (a) above, there shall be a Six week, period of internship during which students shall undertake supervise detaching practice.
Master’s Degree Programme
Ph.D. Programme