The attention of the University Management has been drawn to a viral misleading information on the 2021/2022 academic session’s school fees schedule for all newly admitted students.
For the avoidance of doubt, the only source of information on the breakdown of fees is from the University website @
Neither Ambrose Alli University nor any of its officials will ask for student’s email or phone numbers as a step to helping them pay their school fees.
All students are advised NOT TO divulge any of their personal information to any individual or group of persons under any guise or as part of the criteria for payment of school fees.
All fees are paid online @ using your ATM debit card on interswitch and the correct information/procedure for payment of all fees is available as a guide to all students on the University portal @ and website
Please, be guided to avoid falling victim to unscrupulous and fraudulent individuals who might want to pose as agents/intermediaries of Ambrose Alli University on issues of school fees payment and other matters relating to the University. If in doubt about any issue or you wish to report any matter, please “TELL-THE-VC” on @asomwan or