
The formulation of academic policies including the organisations and control of all academic activities of the University is the responsibility of the University Senate. The Senate is however, advised on academic matters by the Faculty Boards. It consists of the Vice-Chancellor (Chairman), Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Deans, all Professors, Heads of Academic Departments, Directors of Academic Units, University Librarian, and Representatives of Faculties.

Senate performs the following among others:

  • the establishment, organisation and control of the Faculties, Schools, Institutes and other Teaching and Research Units of the University and allocation of responsibility of different branches of learnings;
  • the organisation and control of courses of study at the University and the examination held in conjunction with those courses, including the appointment of examiners, both internal and external;
  • the award of degrees, and such other qualifications as may be prescribed in connection with examinations held as aforesaid;
  • the making of recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor with respect to the award to any person of any honorary fellowship or honorary degree or the title of Professor Emeritus;
  • the selection of persons for admission as student of the, University;
  • establishment, organisation and control of Halls of Residence and similar institutions of the University;
  • the supervision of the welfare of students in the University and the regulation of their conduct;
  • the granting of fellowships, scholarships, prizes and similar awards in, so far as the awards are within the control of the University;
  • determining what description of dress shall be academic dress or the purposes of the University, and regulating the use of such academic dress.

The Work of Senate is carried out through an intricate network of the following Committees Boards:

  • Business Committee of Senate
  • Committee of Deans
  • Student Welfare Committee
  • Library Committee
  • University Admissions Board
  • Computer Committee
  • Ceremonials Committee
  • Students’ Disciplinary Committee
  • Time-Table and Lecture Space Utilization
  • Committee University Sports Committee
  • University Health Services Committee
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Academic Planning Committee
  • Committee on Security.

Student Representatives usually serve on the following Committees and Boards of Senate:

  • Students’ Welfare Committee
  • Library Committee
  • Ceremonials Committee
  • Students’ Disciplinary Committee
  • University Sports Committee
  • University Health Services Committee
  • Committee on Security

