Student Affairs

The Student Affairs Division is under the Vice-Chancellor’s Office. It is central to the University’s mission of assisting students in their intellectual, physical, emotional, social and moral development. The broad goal of the Division is to attend to all matters relating to the welfare of students generally and serves as clearing house for student issues.

The Student Affairs Division is responsible for the quality of informal learning environment that students experience in the University community. Students receive assistance and advice from the Division on different kinds of individual matters including but not limited to general complaints, counselling, lodgings, orientation, financial aids; scholarship and prizes, careers and National Youth Service Corps.

The Division’s specific functions which are both Administrative, Educational and supportive include the followngs:

  • To meet students’ basic needs such as accommodation and transport.
  • To provide essential service such as financial assistance through information on Bursaries, scholarships and loans.
  • To promote healthy environment on campus by meeting the psychological, social and developmental needs through sporting activities and professional counselling.
  • To augment the academic experience through the provision of productive,   recreational, cultural and social activities.

The mission of the Student Affairs Division is to maintain an active partnership with students in the development and enrichment of programmes. The activities of the Students’ Union and all the recognized students’ clubs/societies are monitored and co-ordinated by the Division with the primary objective being to provide an enriched physical, cultural, social and morally uplifting environment for the students as a rewarding complement to his or her academic activities.

Our basic concern in the Student Affairs Division is the student. The very nature of Students’ Services fosters this focus. The Division works in cooperative efforts with students, faculties and other administrative Divisions and Units ofthe University so as to provide the atmosphere and humane relationship that are essential for the students overall adjustment, equal opportunity to realize their potentials as enlightened individual and responsible members ofthe society.

The Division serves as the bridge between students and University authorities and help to ensure a proper feeling of the pulse of students as regards welfare and discipline. Students are therefore strongly advised to utilize the recognised channels of communication by reporting all complaints at the first instance to the Dean of Students who in turn gets directive from the Vice-Chancellor. Next to the Dean is PAR/Student Affairs Officer.

The Division is divided into four units, namely; Monitoring and Advisory, Student Conduct and Relationship, Alumni Relations and Hostel and Accommodation.